Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bad First Night

I tried to go to bed three hours early last night (to be up in time for the audition- which ended up being canceled by email around 11pm anyway) and caused myself a small emotional breakdown after two hours of not being able to sleep.  I'm going to credit the breakdown to the bedtime change, the withdrawals,  a very out-of-whack menstrual cycle, and the hopelessness I'm feeling about life without Ritalin.  My day yesterday was not only a waste, it was detrimental to positive things that are happening in my life, because all I did was delay things that needed to be done and ruin projects (I lost three auditions because of my inability to focus on details). 

I finally got to sleep around midnight, woke up at 5am then again at 7, figured I wouldn't be able to sleep any longer and finally got out of be around 7:45am.  That is way less sleep than I usually get (I need 10 hours of sleep without Ritalin if I'm not going to be a cranky mess) and I'm thinking the Isagenix has something to do with the sudden change in sleep-ability.  Don't know if it's a good thing or not.  There aren't any stimulants in the stuff, so I don't know why it happened.  I'm going to start keeping track of sleep patterns on this, I'll probably start wearing the bodybugg to bed at night to see how much uninterrupted sleep I'm actually getting.

I had a shake for breakfast plus Ionix Supreme, it was good (I'm back to chocolate plus vanilla, it's the winning combination).  Going to a restaurant for lunch today, we'll see how that works out.  I'm going to go see if I have enough energy for the gym in a little bit.

I'm thinking of cleansing something new today- my car!  I love those coin-op car washes with the white foamy soap that comes out of the long-handled brush.  It's fun.  Maybe tomorrow I'll "cleanse" my room.