Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Urgent Care Doctor

Yesterday my throat started feeling a little raw, so I had a feeling I had caught whatever virus my friends have all been getting.  But I didn't feel feverish like they did, so I thought it was no big deal.  Today, on my way to meet my friend Hannah for Krav Maga class (an awesome hour of self defense and punching each other in the stomach at Focus Self Defense) I looked at my throat in the rearview mirror and saw big white splotches on my tonsils.  Decided to skip Krav Maga and get checked for strep.  Didn't think it was strep since I feel fine, but put on my jogging clothes (why drive? it's been a while since I've jogged and it was a beautiful night) and went to the local urgent care.

The doctor looked at me and said,"You look fine and your vitals are terrific.  What's wrong?"  I opened my mouth so she could see my tonsils, she looked and then quickly took three steps back (presumably so as not to catch whatever it is that I have, but I'm going to call it shock) and said, "I've never seen anyone this far along without any other symptoms."  I couldn't resist the opportunity- "Well, I've been taking these supplements, they seem to be making me healthier..."  She said,"Whatever you are taking, you'd better share it with everyone you know."  Ha!  I was feeling brave, so I decided to say, "Have you heard of Isagenix?"   Whoa. She didn't like that.  "No," was her quick cold response.  I took the hint.  

...lab tests, then:

Diagnosis:  Mononucleosis
I have mono without a fever or tiredness or any other symptms (yet?). 

So if I have unintentionally exposed you to mono, I'm sorry.  Your next shake is on me.  If you don't eat the "Isa-food," I'm especially sorry, because you will probably suffer with this far worse than I will, I'm afraid.
If you gave this to me, you have mono (you know who you are)!

Then, my favorite part of the visit: 
The doctor looked at my jogging clothes (I guess I sort of look like a soccer player right now) and said,"You're pretty active, huh?"  I said,"Well, I like to be."  She warned me,"No contact sports for a while- if you get hit in the stomach, your spleen could rupture really easily."

Thank God for not going to Krav Maga. 

Guess I'm going to have to re-title my "month of health" blog- this could go on for weeks and I'll have nothing better to do than update all of you :)

Maintenance Measurements- From Size 14 to Size 8!

Here is a comparison of my starting measurements and where I'm at today. I've been maintaining pretty steadily for the past 3 weeks with about 2-3 days a week of moderate exercise.  No calorie counting, but I start my days with a shake (for nutrition and blood sugar) so I don't get as hungry all day as I used to.

According to this size chart from The Gap, I went from being able to fit into Size 14 jeans to a Size 8 from an 8-day cleanse and minimal maintenance  (BTW, "hip" actually means "butt" on a size chart)

Before Isagenix                 Today (Sept 7, 2010)
Upper Arm: 11.25"           11"
Chest: 36.75"                    37"
Rib Cage: 29.25"               29"
Waist: 27.75"                    26.75"
Lower Ab/Hip: 36"            34"
Butt: 42.75"                       40"
Thigh: 25.75"                     23.75"
Upper Knee: 16.5"            15.75"

I think since my waist is 27", I'd like to get the rest of my body down to a size 6 as my goal.   I've never, ever been a 6.  I can't wait to fit into those clothes (and costumes!  women my type are usually thin, and costumers have always had the hardest time fitting me for shows.)