Friday, August 20, 2010


The program says to work out 20 minutes every day.  (But I've been averaging every other day)  I realized on Wednesday that doing cardio while on this program gives exponentially greater benefits than when not on the program.  I did a dance/aerobics class that morning and at 10pm I was still feeling the rush.  I need to look up the science of how exercise plays into the cleanse, but let me tell you, the days when you do it as recommended REALLY PAY OFF!!!  I felt amazing. 

So I'm thinking there's something to do with being "clean" and burning fat from a clean state.  Maybe burning fat when you eat poorly causes a release of toxins that prevent the great feeling from being fully realized.  Who knows- all I know is, without Isagenix I can exercise and feel pretty good;  with Isagenix that same exercise makes me feel AMAZING, and energizes me for hours and hours.

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