Thursday, September 30, 2010

Health Insurance

I just found the information about getting health insurance through Isagenix.  This is something I've been really worried about, because my health insurance runs out on September 30 and I don't qualify for an individual policy (due to my ADD diagnosis and other stuff) and even if I did, it would be REALLY expensive.  This plan, depending on how much coverage I want, will run between $100-$250 a month and I don't have to qualify for it and I can get dental and vision as well!  That's great!  The best news is that it is really easy to qualify for, I had to have 3 months of autoship- I think I'm on month 3 tomorrow- and make $300, which I did in the first two weeks in the company.  That's it.  I'm very very relieved about this.  Thank God for providing solutions to problems I think are HUGE.  I hope I will be able to help other people take advantage of this amazing deal, it will make me happy.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Getting Paid Relieves Stress and Anxiety

When I was first given the Isagenix system to try, I really didn't have too much intention of selling it myself.  I pretty much thought that if I liked it, I would share my story with the people who sell it for a living and let them use my results as a testimonial.  I also thought that I'd be happy to tell my friends about my weight loss and let them sign up for the system with my distributor if they wanted to lose weight, too. (I did try doing that, but he told me it was just as easy to sign up my friends myself and he made me do it that way because both he and I benefit from the people I sign up on the system.)

Then something happened that I hadn't accounted for.  Even though I was really only using Isagenix for the amazing weight loss factor,  I realized that my health has greatly improved on the Isagenix system.  I realized that I, a girl who truly believed with all her heart that powdered food was strictly for astronauts, am IN LOVE with the food they sent me.  I realized that my days are better in so many ways when I start with a shake in the morning.  I realized that I CRAVE the evening  shake by mid-afternoon almost every day.  I realized that the side effects of the Ionix Supreme are actually visible in my daily life (talk to me privately about this if you're curious, some of the effects are not appropriate to post here) and when I don't take it, it is noticeable.  My body is responding remarkably well, especially to the blood sugar balance.   And doctors are signing up to buy and distribute the system from me, and nurses are recommending it to their patients. And the people around me who are on this product are also having great days and experiencing these same feelings and losing weight and being inspired to do amazing things, including helping the people that THEY care about to get healthy.

All of this is to say that it is a dream come true to be able to actually receive paychecks (!)  for telling my friends about this product that has changed my life.  Because I do it for free all the time with the other products I use;  I wish Bodybugg could write me a commission check- man, I sold the crap out of that thing, because it worked for me and I believe in it.  I told EVERYONE about that armband.  And when I'm complimented on an outfit, I always tell people where I bought it (unless I bought it at the Goodwill store on Baldwin and Lower Azusa- then I conveniently omit that info and just say "thank you."  It has happened.) But it makes me happy that I can talk about Isagenix and share health and happiness with my friends, and I'm finally getting rewarded for my ongoing word-of-mouth marketing efforts.

So I guess it seems like I'm evil for benefiting from the purchases of my friends.  But I think the coolest part is that they can turn around and use this company to make their own money if they want to.  And then I've made them healthy, happy, and a little richer, too.  So, hooray for that!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm fine.

OK I'm fine.  I gave it two MORE days, no symptoms.  I don't have mono, I don't care what she says.  I'm going back and demanding a blood test, for free, like she apparently should have given me the first time.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Urgent Care Doctor

Yesterday my throat started feeling a little raw, so I had a feeling I had caught whatever virus my friends have all been getting.  But I didn't feel feverish like they did, so I thought it was no big deal.  Today, on my way to meet my friend Hannah for Krav Maga class (an awesome hour of self defense and punching each other in the stomach at Focus Self Defense) I looked at my throat in the rearview mirror and saw big white splotches on my tonsils.  Decided to skip Krav Maga and get checked for strep.  Didn't think it was strep since I feel fine, but put on my jogging clothes (why drive? it's been a while since I've jogged and it was a beautiful night) and went to the local urgent care.

The doctor looked at me and said,"You look fine and your vitals are terrific.  What's wrong?"  I opened my mouth so she could see my tonsils, she looked and then quickly took three steps back (presumably so as not to catch whatever it is that I have, but I'm going to call it shock) and said, "I've never seen anyone this far along without any other symptoms."  I couldn't resist the opportunity- "Well, I've been taking these supplements, they seem to be making me healthier..."  She said,"Whatever you are taking, you'd better share it with everyone you know."  Ha!  I was feeling brave, so I decided to say, "Have you heard of Isagenix?"   Whoa. She didn't like that.  "No," was her quick cold response.  I took the hint.  

...lab tests, then:

Diagnosis:  Mononucleosis
I have mono without a fever or tiredness or any other symptms (yet?). 

So if I have unintentionally exposed you to mono, I'm sorry.  Your next shake is on me.  If you don't eat the "Isa-food," I'm especially sorry, because you will probably suffer with this far worse than I will, I'm afraid.
If you gave this to me, you have mono (you know who you are)!

Then, my favorite part of the visit: 
The doctor looked at my jogging clothes (I guess I sort of look like a soccer player right now) and said,"You're pretty active, huh?"  I said,"Well, I like to be."  She warned me,"No contact sports for a while- if you get hit in the stomach, your spleen could rupture really easily."

Thank God for not going to Krav Maga. 

Guess I'm going to have to re-title my "month of health" blog- this could go on for weeks and I'll have nothing better to do than update all of you :)

Maintenance Measurements- From Size 14 to Size 8!

Here is a comparison of my starting measurements and where I'm at today. I've been maintaining pretty steadily for the past 3 weeks with about 2-3 days a week of moderate exercise.  No calorie counting, but I start my days with a shake (for nutrition and blood sugar) so I don't get as hungry all day as I used to.

According to this size chart from The Gap, I went from being able to fit into Size 14 jeans to a Size 8 from an 8-day cleanse and minimal maintenance  (BTW, "hip" actually means "butt" on a size chart)

Before Isagenix                 Today (Sept 7, 2010)
Upper Arm: 11.25"           11"
Chest: 36.75"                    37"
Rib Cage: 29.25"               29"
Waist: 27.75"                    26.75"
Lower Ab/Hip: 36"            34"
Butt: 42.75"                       40"
Thigh: 25.75"                     23.75"
Upper Knee: 16.5"            15.75"

I think since my waist is 27", I'd like to get the rest of my body down to a size 6 as my goal.   I've never, ever been a 6.  I can't wait to fit into those clothes (and costumes!  women my type are usually thin, and costumers have always had the hardest time fitting me for shows.)

Monday, September 6, 2010


So I watched an Isagenix presentation done by a very successful girl in Texas on the web, and I was amazed at how little of the science this girl actually understood.  I mean, I guess people in Texas (ok ok, MOST people in general) don't care to know why things work as long as they work; but I've done so much research about why the Isagenix system works that I think it's a shame NOT to teach people the actual science.

I mean, the people around me have been experiencing pretty miraculous results.  Besides my blood sugar and stimulant cure, I've had friends cut their cholesterol in half in less than a month, and everyone says they just feel "better" on this product- shouldn't we care why we feel so good?  And shouldn't we care WHY we're losing weight?  I'll tell you something, if I started losing weight one day and didn't know why, I'd probably be worried that I had some terminal illness.   And if I started randomly feeling great on a product, I'd be worried that the product I was taking had stimulants or other fake feel-good substances in it.  I want to know that I'm making myself and my loved ones HEALTHY, not sick (you know, like we were when we all did the Atkins diet?  Both times?   Or when I did Phen-Fen?  We looked great on the outside, but the consequences of those quick and easy diets are taking years off of our lives and making us fatter in the long run)

So this is two minutes of the beginning of my own presentation.  I didn't get this info from Isagenix, I had to work really hard to find it in published medical studies.  I'm hoping other people will be like me and care WHY it works.  (I will always be a teacher at heart I guess.)  I stopped the video before getting to the product details;  there's so much info on the nutrients and antioxidants and such that it's going to take a while to assemble all of that.  Another day.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cleansing Again

Because I didn't order the 30-day system the first time, my product supply was a little screwed up for a while and I haven't been following the shake/cleanse schedule. In fact, after the San Diego trip, I've mostly just been on "maintenance,"  which in my world means, eat whatever I want in between shakes or just have one shake a day and whatever food is around.  And amazingly, I'm still at the same weight where I left off, which really says something about the science as I understand it, and gives credence to the recommendation of Isagenix to "deep cleanse" twice a year and "daily cleanse" by drinking the shakes and Cleanse for Life the rest of the time and incorporating them into your daily life.  Sure, I'm more inspired to eat organic, healthy food now.  But I still go to Wendy's.  And eat fro-yo (although I'd honestly rather have an isalean shake 9 times out of 10).  So I've inadvertently been testing the claims that the weight stays off after the deep cleanse.  (Inadvertently because I still have a goal to reach and should actually be following the deep cleanse schedule till I get there). 

Yesterday, I put on a very tight dress that I sewed last year (yes, sewed.  I don't sew, I sewed.)  Haven't been able to even get it on since last August!  It felt so good to be able to not only fit into it, but wear it confidently all day.  I'm happy.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My 40 second story

So, my mentors at Isagenix have suggested that we create a 30-second story about our personal experience with the product that can be shared with others.  I guess not everyone has the time to read a 22-page blog  (?)

So, I recorded a thirty second story, and played it back for editing, and it was almost three minutes long.  Apparently, I'm a bit long-winded.  Anyway, I cut the audio down as much as I could, and came up with 40 seconds.  The only way to make it shorter, as far as I'm concerned, would be to speak faster.  I'm not giving up any more- I already feel like I have lots more I'd want to share.  But in the interest  of time: