Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 11 slump

Well, yesterday was a very full day and I was happy to be on food again. My body did the thing where I was craving a shake in the afternoon instead of food, I think that's so funny.

I had to eat out for lunch both yesterday and today, so I don't know if my calories were on par for shake days.  Yesterday was a little easier- we found a cool restaurant in Yorba Linda called "Fitness Grill," where the ingredients are healthy and organic.  But I wasn't counting calories at all

Posting my pics yesterday received a bigger reaction than I was expecting, but I'm the kind of person who eases off when praised, instead of becoming motivated and working harder. Today I had a splurge lunch, a giant burrito that I'm POSITIVE isn't allowed- I'm thinking there are going to be repercussions for this, especially since I didn't get any gym time in today OR yesterday. I HAVE to get back to daily exercise tomorrow, or else all this will be for nothing.  I really want to reach my goal and I'm starting to trust that this program will do it for me, but I really need to step up and keep doing my part now.

I haven't had enough sleep because my schedule has gotten a little busier, maybe 10 hours total in the past two nights, so I'm hoping I don't get sick (specifically, I hope I don't catch the sinus cold my friend exposed me to today!)  Living in Irvine is great as long as you don't have anything to do;  the commute to LA screws up my schedule.

Tomorrow, I will have to decide to re-commit to sticking to the system (and maybe start looking for a place in LA)

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