Friday, August 13, 2010

8th Day Check-in - My jeans fit! 6.5 pounds lost!

Well I have lost 6.5 pounds using Isagenix so far (in 8 days!), a combination of fat and junk in my intestines (see last night's update if you really want to know).  But the goal of getting my jeans to fit has been exceeded- look, I even have room!!


Luckily I'm back on shakes.  I'm not planning to do the rest of the 9-day  schedule because I like the 30-day system schedule much better and because I need to stay on top of my blood sugar and last night was a push.  I plan to keep doing 2-shake days and a cleanse every 7th day (the 30-day system) until I meet my 19% body fat goal, then figure out a maintenance plan (I'm not planning to give up the shakes ever, because I like how they make me feel and they are very good on the blood sugar.)

I'm happy.  Now I get to have a shake.

(Click the pic if it is hidden)

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